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Principal Investigator
She is the principal investigator of EIS. She finished her doctoral thesis in 2005 in Applied Ecology at the University of São Paulo. Since 2010 she is Associate Professor at the Biological Sciences Institute at the University of Brasília. Since 2018 she has a fellowship from the CNPq - PQ2.
Gabriela Bielefeld Nardoto
Âncora 1
Research Team
renata e mari
ray e fabio
pompom e joao
Jorge M. Freitas
Associate researcher
I have been working trying to integrate genetics and stable isotopes in samples from both plant and animal collections to test levels of assignment accuracy that might exceeds those of either method alone.
Luiza Brasileiro
The main idea of my research is the use of stable isotopes as a tool to combat animal trafficking. More specifically, the intent is to characterize the isotopic fractionation and signature shift of wild versus captivity Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola). This is the most trafficked animal in Brazil, and stable isotopes can be a powerful methodology to identify "laundry" individuals and the origin of wild animals seized.
My research focuses on the use of stable isotopes as a tool to discriminate captive x wildlife animals as well as to identify the geographic origin of seized animals from the Brazilian Amazon region.
Renato Ferrari
My master's dissertation focuses on the relationship between soil biota and magnetic susceptibility in a fertilization experiment in the Cerrado
Emanuel Messias Silva
I'm using C and N stable isotopes in Saffron Finch tissues (Sicalis flaveola) to identifying diet seasonality as well as it can be associated with pigments that gives plumage color. I'm also developing spatial models for C, N, O and H based on Saffron Finch feathers for the Cerrado region.
Gilmar Filho
I'm using stable isotope (SIA) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis to determining commercial fish production systems and geographic origin trying to identify environmental violations involving the capture and trade of fish from illegal operations.
Marcos David Gomes
My master's research seeks to assess the potential of using stable isotopes and inorganic elements to trace the geographic origin of Amazonian wood. The improvement of these methods will enable the development of a useful tool for the production of expert evidence to be presented in court.
Eduardo Bernardes
The central idea of my research is to study the implications of pedological variables on the spatial distribution of nitrogen and carbon and on the dynamics of organic matter in soil, exploring how this may express the landscape in a Cerrado area.
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